6 easy steps to book a hotel with NusaTrip :

Step 1 : Search Hotels
Please search your desired destination and select check-in and check-out dates to begin your hotel search

Step 2 : Select Hotels
Choose the number of rooms you need, and if there are any children, input their age

Step 3 : Book Hotels
Find the hotel you desired, and click Book Now

Step 4 : Fill In Guest Data
Enter guest details and shall have a special request please click "Special Request" (Optional)

Step 5 : Complete Your Payment
Select your preferred payment methods. Ensure the payment is made within the time limit

Step 6 : Booking Complete
After your payment is confirmed, we will send you hotel voucher to your email

The maximum number of rooms that can be booked in one booking is 9 rooms

In general, the order status will be updated in the "My Bookings" menu available on the Application or Desktop for those who are already NusaTrip members, and in the emails sent automatically by NusaTrip

The booking may sometimes fail for various reasons. It can be caused by the selected room type not available or the price has been updated. If you receive a notification that the order was unsuccessful, you can reach our Customer Support for further information.

Policies for each hotel may vary, if your request can be fulfilled, there will be an additional charge collected by the hotel. You can contact our Customer Support for further information.

Our system will automatically display information regarding the room availability on the selected hotel and date when you perform a search.

All the facilities that are listed under the room type, and also the tax is included in the room price. The information regarding the facilities and also the hotel policy could be found under "Room Details".

The availability of an extra bed/baby cot depends on the hotel/property booked. Additional fees for children, or extra beds, are not included in the room price unless it is specified in the "room details". For further information, we recommend you contact the hotel/property directly.

For NusaTrip members, a copy of the E-Voucher/Invoice can be found in the "My Bookings" menu available on the website, mobile site, or application. E-Voucher/Invoice can also be downloaded manually via the website or mobile site by following these steps:

  • Open the "My Bookings" menu
  • In the "Retrieve Booking" column, please enter the booking code and email used when booking, then click retrieve
  • On the next page, you can find the E-Voucher at the top right and Invoice at the bottom right of the web page

Enjoy the convenience of booking arrangements when you are a NusaTrip member.

Some of the reasons your ticket has not been received after making payment:

  • The value of your payment does not match the bill
  • Payments are made after the specified time limit
  • Constraints in the bank system so that the process of issuing E-Voucher is hampered. If your E-Voucher has not yet been issued, you can contact our Customer Support for further assistance.

Basically, if payment has been received, the E-Voucher will be automatically sent to the email address put on the reservation.

Depending on the room type booked, please consult the general terms and conditions of the reserved room type to check if the rate includes breakfast or not. This information is available in the "Room Details" when you reserve.

Information regarding room or hotel facilities can be found in the "Room Details" available when you make an order.

Depending on the hotel you booked, most hotels do not provide airport transfers. They will charge a separate fee and make arrangements for an airport pick-up (the driver will meet you at the arrival area) and the hotel drops off should you request it.

You can send a special request to the hotel when making a reservation by using the "Special Request" feature available in the "Reservation Summary." Please note that all special requests will be subject to the availability/policy of the hotel and are not guaranteed by NusaTrip.

Yes, you can book 2 different room types in 1 booking. Please select the desired room type in the first option and a different room type in the next room option.

In general, the usual check-in time in hotels is from 2:00 pm local time on the day of arrival and a check-out at 12:00 noon on the departure day. This is just a standardized time. This policy may vary depending on the policy of each hotel. Certain hotels will also allow early check-in and a late check-out possibly at an additional charge.

You can contact our Customer Support for further assistance.

The policies for each hotel may vary, we recommend you contact the hotel directly for further information.